Reducing Arthritic Effects
Reducing Arthritic Effects
This element of assessment will be capable of testing all the learning outcomes and
capable of monitoring all the key skills.
The assignment will involve the submission of a report discussing the possible solution of
anticipated ergonomic problems when creating a good working environment for one
employee working in a workshop environment who is suffering from arthritis in the hands.
You should produce a report suitable for distribution to their manager, which informs of
the problems these workers may face if action is not taken to alleviate their condition in
the workplace. You should also produce a portfolio of original sources used to inform
your initiative (not included in the word count).
Your report should address the following matters:
Introduction – a general description of the anticipated challenges if the environment and
tools are not adapted for this worker.
Discussion of solutions and anticipated challenges
Explanation of the possible remedies that may be considered, with reference to specialist
groups you may involve. Discussion of any follow up actions that may be required after
changes have been implemented.