the impact oil price shock on stock market performance
Research Methods Assignment
Submission Deadline: 11th December 2016 at 23.59
In your assignment you are required to investigate the following:
a) the impact oil price shock on stock market performance of a country of your choice
b) the impact of all above explanatory variables (WTI Price, BRENT Price, price of stock index and 3 stocks in that market) on the economic performance of a country of your choice that you have already been assigned.
c) The data to be used in this assignment is WTI Price, BRENT Price, GDP, Inflation, unemployment, price of stock index and 3 stocks in that market from of a country of your choice Use data from 1980 to 2015 for the yearly dataset and from 2012-2016 for the daily dataset (minimum 30 observations for each variable).
The assignment is marked 50% for empirical analysis and 50% for the brief introduction and literature, overall findings and conclusion. There is maximum word limit of 2500 words. The assignment will be submitted as a word document (.doc) on blackboard by 11th December 2016 23.58. The Excel data, Eviews datasets including all generated series and Eviews output files related to the material presented on the assignment needs to be emailed to by deadline. The subject of your email must be OGT707- your first name.your last name.
In your analysis you are required to identify the followings:
1- Plot all variables and comment on graph(s).
2- Test for the stationarity of the series and discuss the results.
2- Estimate the single regression and multiple regressions by regressing GDP on the above independent variables using least-square method.
3- Show the coefficients and values of test statistics and discuss the results.
5- Test the null hypotheses that the coefficients are equal to 0 and comment on results.
6- Plot the residuals and actual and fitted values and comment on graph.
7- Estimate the ARCH model and discuss the results.
The project should be reported in a written report intended for a professional audience. Your report should contain sections such as
Abstract – summarising contents and conclusions
Background/Introduction and brief Literature Review- Critical thinking with references to relevant sources
Methodology – describing the methodology used for the project
Analysis and Findings
Conclusions and Recommendations
Guideline of the submitted report:
Marking element:
Clarity of explaining the Data and data resources used in this coursework, the aim
of the coursework, brief introduction and literature review of the topic and
chosen countries economic performance. References to relevant sources.
(out of 10)
Depth of understanding of the statistical testing procedure in all its aspects. In
depth description of the practical procedure and the plan for the work.
Unit-root testing, single regression, multiple regressions analysis. Clarity of
coefficients and values of test statistics. Residuals testing and ARCH(GARCH) test.
(out of 25)
Accurate application of quantitative methods. Accuracy of data interpretation and
handling. Accurate statistical interpretation of test results.
(out of 35)
Clear evidence of reflection on findings in light of theory and assumptions;
individual judgments supported by sound arguments and the project limitation.
(out of 20)
Effective structure and referencing; observed good writing style and use of
language; Effective use of tables, graphs and appendices.
(out of 10 )