The Contribution of Assets Allocation Strategies to Improved Portfolio Performance in UAE ( United Arab emirates )
Dear sir ‘
This is last semester in college and have undergraduate project – bachelor degree, business (finance and banking)
It’s really important to get full mark it’s 30% you can find information and requirements and please read it carefully :
1. Proposal ( no need to change or rewrite ) I get 90% and Should be included but is NOT RE-GRADED
2. Literature ( no need to change or rewrite ) I got 100% and Should be included but is NOT RE-GRADED
3. Methodology and Data analysis ( need to change by rewrite what teacher mention it in feeddback) I got 75% and check the teacher’s feedback page 1, 2 ,3 and 4 .
4. discussion and findings and recommendations ( need to change by rewrite what teacher mention it in feeddback) I got 75% and check the teacher’s feedback page 1 & 2.
5. final project should be include :
1. add proposal ( you have it already , 1789 words )
2. add Literature ( you have it already , 4000 words )
3. Methodology and Data analysis by rewrite
4. discussion and findings and recommendations by rewrite
5. references as they need
6. APA style and follow all requirements to be ready to submit
7. Safe Assign not more than 10%
8. Should be total project more than 8500 words without references