Enhancing Health Care & Social Care through Inter-professional Education

Enhancing Health Care & Social Care through Inter-professional Education

Report based on ‘critical incident ´ during practice in one of my areas. Apply the NMC 2015 Code of confidentiality place and person.
write in 3rd person about the incident(good or bad) Events which made you stop and think, or one that made you question an aspect of your beliefs, attitude, values or behaviour. It is an incident that stays in the mind and has significance for you and has an impact on your personal and professional learning. Apply a definition of Gibbs 1988 reflective cycle.
In the clinical setting, a critical incident may relate to issues of communication, knowledge, treatment, culture,
relationships, emotions or beliefs. The incident need not be a negative experience but must clearly relate to
interprofessional working;
This might include:
? an unusual or complex event
? a clinical emergency
? a crisis situation
? a situation where communication (with a service user/colleague) worked well or was problematic
? an interaction with a service user which made an impression on you (either positive or negative
1) Analyse inter-professional and collaborative working strategies that may be used to overcome boundaries between professions;
2) Evaluate service delivery in relation to their professional role;
3) Apply and evaluate the extent to which their specialist knowledge contributes to patient/service-user experience.
Skills and attributes:
4) Demonstrate the skills of autonomy and be able to interact effectively in inter-professional discussion.