What is the relationships between entrepreneurship and economic development in Saudi Arabia?

What is the relationships between entrepreneurship and economic development  in Saudi Arabia?

What is the relationships between entrepreneurship and economic development

in Saudi Arabia?

The written proposal is a culmination of your research work and provides basis for your upcoming research.

For the purposes of this course, this document is expected to be no more than 25 pages double spaced (not including references and appendices), and follow the “Document Guidelines”.

Make sure you look at a couple of previous ones as examples for your area.

  • Make sure you get someone to proof-read for you
  • Discuss with your supervisor for content


Specifically the assessment …

  • Justification of the research problem and relevance of objectives to the stated problem
  • Adequate assessment of the relevant secondary data:
  1. Quality of brief literature review
  • Justification of the research design and proposed methodology, including data collection and sampling methods:
  1. Can it be done this way?
  2. Is it an appropriate design – is there a precedent for this design/approach?
  3. Will it provide the right kind of data and enough of it?
  4. Will analysis of the data provide the insights required?
  5. You will need to be convincing that your questions can be addressed with the chosen methodology and approach.
  6. Communicate your approach and link this to the methodology considered

Specifically the assessment cont’d…

  • Proposed analytical methods:
    • Not expected to be particularly detailed in terms of analysis methods – although these must be alluded to
    • The analytical methods proposed are appropriate
    • Research budget and timelines for completion of the project:
    • You will have budget to get it done
    • Are projected costs defendable?
    • It is do-able within the time frame you have
    • Quality of written presentation (referencing, grammar, punctuation and clarity)

Suggested structure of the proposal

  • Background to research
  • Objectives
  • Research design and methodology
  • Research budget and timelines
  • Limitations