Causes of problems in learning English are faced by Thai students
Causes of problems in learning English are faced by Thai students
Investigating the causes of problems in learning English are faced by Thai students. I talked with my supervisor who told me that I can’t do the primary data so I have to do only secondary data analysis. I wrote the overview of outline that is below and I will attach the file for you as well.
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Background
1.3 Justification of the systematic appraisal
1.4 systematic reviews and appraisals
1.5 Aims and research questions
1.4.1 Aims and objectives
• To understand how Thai students feel about English as a subject in the school.
• To understand the problems that the cause for Thai students cannot speak and apply English in daily life.
• To understand examine the most effective way to teach English for Thai secondary students
1.4.2 Research questions
• What are the problems and barriers for studying English for Thai students?
• What are the effective ways to teach Thai students?
1.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 2 : Literature reviews
2.1 Chapter overview
2.2 Chapter summary
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Chapter overview
3.2 Secondary data analysis (only)
Both strengths and limitations of secondary data analysis
3.3 Systematic reviews
Both strengths and limitations of systematic reviews
3.4 Methods
3.4.1 Search strategy
3.4.2 Conducting the search
3.4.3 Refining the search Inclusion and exclusion criteria
3.4.4 Final selection of six studies
3.4.5 Quality assessment
3.5 Analysis of results
3.6 Chapter summary
Chapter 4 : Finding
4.1 Chapter overview
– theoretical issue
– methodological limitations
– sampling
– approach to analysis
– outcomes/ findings
– quality assurance issue
– conclusion & link to next chapter
4.2 Chapter summary
Chapter 5: Discussion
5.1 Chapter overview
5.2 A critical discussion of finding…
– How well the studies address your aims and research questions?
5.3 Main finding
5.4 Discussion in relation to research question and aims
5.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 6: Conclusion
6.1 Chapter overview
6.2 Summary of findings
6.3 Chapter summary