New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
In the discussion we will touch upon product, price, and promotion for the launch of new product and the PDLC. Please remember the to provide the reasoning for your responses! I like the background and theory you are all providing but I am most interested in your thoughts. We will also look at the launch of a new smart phone and how you would brand the product. What are the advantages and how would you “sell” the consumer on them?
Here is a great exercise to have some fun with when it comes to PDLC –
In the Instructor Insights section I posted four YouTube videos:
Intro to Marketing: New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
Understanding the product lifecycle
Product Life Cycles Development, Design and Beyond Free Principles of Marketing Video
Product Life Cycle and Marketing Strategies
Watch from about the 12 minute mark to about the 22 minute mark
PART 2 Please generate an answer for the discussion that I will provide via massage (this discussion is from a only student that I have to reply back no less than 250 words) Please focus on something good of the discussion and add aditional infomation)(ORIGINAL WORK, NO PLAGIARISM, 1 REFERENCE)